Other examples

Every now and then we come across other sumps that have been re-vegetated. They all are a great source of inspiration. If you are aware of others, please let us know.

10 Gemini Way, Carlisle, Town of Victoria Park

Gemini Way, Town of Victoria Park

Our idea is not new, not even for the Town of Victoria Park. A long time ago a resident of the Town of Victoria Park already had the idea to re-vegetate the sump close to his house on 10 Gemini Way in Carlisle. We obviously had to take a look when we were told about it and found a sump which is now home to native vegetation and mature trees. There is even a picnic bench inviting visitors to sit down for a while, relax and enjoy the surrounds.


South Perth

Hope Ave, City of South Perth

A sump re-vegetation project in South Perth featured on ABC Gardening Australia in June 2013. This is what the City of South Perth wrote about the project:

“Local resident Peter Gray, who revegetated a City drainage sump behind his house in Hope Avenue Salter Point, was recently featured on ABC1 program, Gardening Australia. Peter originally approached the City about ten years ago for permission to revegetate the drainage sump, which receives storm water run-off from local streets. Peter’s request was supported by key recommendations of the City’s adopted Green Plan, which made it a logical project to assist. As a result, the City supported Peter
’s  request and has regularly supplied native plants and mulch throughout the project. Peter’s admirable hard work has created a beautifully planted area that provides shade, attracts native birds and promotes biodiversity in the local area. The result is fantastic and the project is a great example of what can be achieved in partnership between a committed resident and a local authority.” (source City of South Perth website)

Town of Claremont

Town of Claremont

The Town of Claremont has also re-vegetated a number of its storm water drainage sites. They are scattered around the suburb. Here is an images of one of them on the corner of Barnfield Rd/Grange St, providing another example of what is possible.