The Siding wins MBA WA Awards


The Siding was announced winner of two 2016 MBA WA Excellence in Construction Awards: Waste Management and Energy Efficiency. Gary Wright from Right Homes received the awards at the awards evening on 23 July 2016.

The energy ratings of the homes at The Siding range between 9 and 10 stars and in theory need little to no energy for heating and cooling and reduces the ongoing burden of electricity costs for the occupant. The high energy ratings were achieved through applying passive solar design principles such as good orientation, ventilation, appropriate shading, insulation, thermal mass and (double) glazing. Unique construction using a combination of double brick with cavity insulation and two types of reverse brick veneer contributed to the result.

Waste Management was a large focus for The Siding. The experience with Genesis opened our eyes as to how much room for improvement there is in relation to waste management in the construction sector. Together with Right Homes we looked at the various materials used and disposed of during construction and looked at where and how waste could be reduced and, if needed, disposed of wisely.

We are very grateful for the recognition of our efforts through awards such as these.

Visit the MBAWA website for more information about their awards.